
Whether you are looking for B.C. population projections, historical Census data or the latest labour force statistics, find a wealth of information at your fingertips.

Services and information topics

Business, Industry & Trade

Find data and analysis related to businesses and specific industries in B.C., as well as export and import figures and trade profiles.


Find a variety of statistics related to the economic strength of B.C. including gross domestic product, consumer price index, housing starts and more.

Employment & Labour Market

View annual averages and forecasts, learn about the Labour Force Survey and browse a list of other resources.

People, Population & Community

View statistics that reflect the people of B.C. including socioeconomic profiles, population projections, migration figures and census profiles for Indigenous peoples.

Nature & Environment

Sharing key scientific and technical information is an important part of monitoring and managing B.C.’s natural resources. Find a variety of statistics and reports related to environmental topics.


Find government data regarding the public service workforce, the justice system and more.

B.C. Data Catalogue

Explore the B.C. Government's extensive collection of datasets, applications and web services.

Contact information

Questions? Contact us through Service BC.