Information for middle school students in care

Last updated on May 17, 2024

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Know your rights

Youth in care have protected rights. It is your right to be safe, healthy and heard. You can learn more about your rights at If you’re a child or teen in care.

If you are not feeling safe or heard, talk to your social worker, teacher or other adults you trust. The Representative for Children and Youth can also help you. 

Indigenous youth in care

If you identify as an Indigenous youth in care, you have the right to stay connected to your culture, community and land. You also have the right to receive guidance, encouragement and support to learn about and practice your traditions, customs and languages. Traditional teachings, connections to your culture, community and land can help you learn more about who you are and help you get through tough times. Get help connecting to your culture. Ask your social worker, youth worker, your teachers and community elders to help. Your local Aboriginal Friendship Centre can also help connect you to your culture. 

Youth in care with disabilities or diverse abilities

Youth with a disability or diverse ability have the right to take part in all school activities. Diverse ability means we have different abilities, and they are all important. Your rights protect you from unfair treatment based on your physical or mental disability. 

If you are not being treated fairly, talk to your social worker, teacher or other adult you trust. You can also contact the Representative for Children and Youth. You can find other help and services where you live.

Take care of your mental wellness and safety

Being in care can be stressful. When we are stressed, it is normal for our body to tense up, to have a stomach ache or to feel stuck and like we can’t talk or move. Watch Fight Flight Freeze – Anxiety Explained for Teens video to learn how our bodies react in stressful or scary situations. You can also check out or download the Mindshift™ CBT app, which can help you manage stress in a healthy way.

If at any time you feel like you need help with your fears, anger or other emotions, or if you are feeling unsafe, talk to someone. Let an adult know who can help resolve the situation. They can also help if you or a friend is experiencing discrimination or harassment related to sexual orientation or gender identity. You can find more supports related to sexual orientation and gender identity on PFLAG Canada website and Trans Care BC. The erase Report It tool is an easy way to send a message to an adult in your school, who will help right away. Erase has more information on staying safe in school and on-line.

If you need to talk to a counsellor call the Helpline for Youth 24/7 at 310-1234. Indigenous youth can get wellness and crisis support, including the Hope for Wellness Help Line, Kuu-us Crisis 24/7 Line, and the Metis Crisis Line.

If you or someone else is in danger, try to get to a safe place first and then call 9-1-1.