BC Wildlife Health Program Moose Winter Tick Survey

Last updated on March 22, 2021

Be a Part of B.C.’s Moose Winter Tick Monitoring Program

The 2021 survey period runs from Jan. 1 to Apr. 30.

Provincial wildlife biologists are asking for your help in promoting moose health and controlling potentially-deadly winter moose tick infestations. It’s easy to join in: all you need are keen eyes and a love of the great outdoors.

The province launched the winter tick surveillance program in 2015 to establish a baseline measure of the extent of the infestation in B.C.’s moose population. The study incorporates field observations from wildlife professionals, forestry and environmental consultants, members of First Nations communities, and the general public.

Winter ticks are an external parasite found on white-tailed deer, mule deer, bison, elk, although moose are the ticks’ preferred host. The ticks can lead to skin irritation and blood loss for moose and, in cases of sever infestation, lead to serious health issues and even death. Winter ticks pose no health risk to humans.

The hair loss is easily spotted from a distance – and that’s where you come in. By filling out a simple form and providing you observations of moose in the field, you can help biologists build the database they need to effectively monitor and – eventually address – the problem.

Moose Tick Poster


Contact information

Call RAPP at 1 877 952-7277 for injured or distressed wildlife or wildlife interactions where public safety may be at risk.

For all wildlife health inquiries or reports, contact BC Wildlife Health.