Kootenay-Boundary Region

Last updated on January 31, 2024

Regional Overview

The Kootenay-Boundary Region is located in southeastern British Columbia. The region encompasses four major mountain ranges—the Rockies, Purcells, Selkirks, and Monashees.  Major rivers include the Kootenay River and Columbia River. The Columbia Wetlands in the Rocky Mountain Trench are of international importance and support high biodiversity.

Coal mining and forestry have historically been and continue to be the predominant industries in the Kootenay-Boundary Region. Recently, tourism, residential development, transportation and recreational activities have increased within the region.

Regional Assessment Protocols

Cumulative watershed effects in the Kootenay-Boundary Region are assessed using geographic information system (GIS) based assessment methods. The natural characteristics of watersheds and the types and extent of land cover and use are derived from GIS data and combined to estimate potential cumulative effects. The key objectives are to assess the impacts of multiple disturbances on snowmelt-driven peak streamflow, sediment generation and transport, and riparian ecosystems.

Regional Reports


Watersheds- Kettle River

Cumulative watershed effects are assessed using geographic information system (GIS) based assessment methods, as outlined in A GIS Indicator-Based Protocol for Assessing Cumulative Watershed Effects in the Kettle River Watershed- Version 1.0- December 2020 (PDF, 3.0MB). The results of these assessments can be used to inform strategic-level planning activities, such as resource management, habitat restoration and conservation efforts. Watersheds are selected for assessment based on regional priorities.